Jaivik Universal Mill [ JVUM ]


Jaivik’s Universal Mill is a derivation of our Hammer Mill, and it includes more sophisticated beaters and grinding tracks and sieves. It results in a high-performance one-pass fine grinding. Our Universal Mill is ideal for processes that require a controlled reduction in particle size along with a high degree of fineness to maintain the product quality.

They are extremely useful in the fine food industries like salt, flour and spices, along with powder sectors like pharmaceuticals.

Model No Motor (kW) Rotor Speed (rpm) Capacity (kG/hr) Weight (kG) Approximate Mill Dimensions (L X W x H) mm
JVUM 130 2.2 18000 100 160th 700x400x900
JVUM 220 7.5 10000 300 260 1200x660x1000
JVUM 450 22 5150 1000 1300 1800x900x1400
JVUM 800 45 2800 2200 2990 2750x1200x2000

Key Features

  • Capable of fine grinding with unbeatable milling performance
  • Minimum moisture absorption that ensures material integrity
  • Easy to clean and maintain
  • Various models to suit different materials
  • Easy to integrate into existing processes and operations
  • Options of temperature control and cryogenic grinding
  • Precision processing with interchangeable grinding media