Mass Mixer

Mass Mixer

This mixing machine comes with a powerful gear drive and a mixing paddle for table granulation. If you want to mix sticky or difficult ingredients, Jaivik Mass Mixer is the perfect product. While most of our mixers come with a single speed operation, we can even customize them with two speeds as an option. As part of the safety feature, the mechanism doesn’t let the machine start until the see-through cover is interlocked.

For easier unloading of the material, a tilting mechanism with a hand wheel is present in the machine so that you can rotate the wheel and unload the mixed material.

Key Features:

  • Leak-proof sealing arrangement
  • Easy to clean and maintain
  • Uniform mixing, even for the most difficult materials
  • Moving parts and joints have specific points for easier lubrication
  • Ribbon or paddle type stirrer
  • High-quality with international standards

Searching for the best Mass Mixer at an affordable price? Get in touch with Jaivik today!